Faithful Blogger

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Prayerful Teaching is Holding Hands with GodI

I am the Lord, I have called You in righteousness,
I will also hold You by the hand and watch over You

                                    Isaiah 42:6 (NASB)


Prayer and Meditation

 God will never abandon me.  When I fail to feel His presence, He sings out my name with love.  When my morale sinks to new depths, He watches over me and lifts me up.  He forever holds my hand with a gentle and fatherly grasp.  It is God who has entrusted me with my calling and it is God who counsels, encourages, and supports, me through my day.  Rather than wasting time counting my faults, let me move closer to God and seek to please Him through my love and dedication in teaching His children. 


The Actions of Prayerful Teaching

  •  Teachers are often vilified in the media and made scapegoats for what is wrong in society today.  It is impossible not to be affected by this negativity.  It is during these times that we must step closer to God, firmly plant our hand in His, and never let go.  We must not be ashamed to look back and count our achievements.  It is through our achievements that we glorify the Lord, refresh our souls, and embrace our calling with new-found strength, not out of pride, but as humble servants of God.


  • Lift your spirits at least once a day.  Determine what exists in your classroom that lifts your spirits.  Take advantage of it.  Are certain students always smiling?  Take a second to find joy in their smiles and do not forget to smile back.  Do students relax and laugh at funny stories or silly jokes?  Build them into the day.   Appoint a joke teller of the day. 


  • Write a student a thank you note when the occasion calls for it.  Be specific in stating the purpose of the note.  Capture in your mind the smile of gratitude that will spread over the receiver.  Even though you may not observe the recipient reading the note, this works just as well if you personally write a note (no e-mail) to parents praising their child with specific examples of conduct or achievements.


  • Post pictures of students engaging in learning activities in a place in your room reserved for just such pictures.  If you need a morale boost you need only glance at the collection of pictures.  Be sure to “catch” all students at their “learning best.”   If someone is having a bad day, you will have a visible reminder for them of what they can accomplish.  Be sure to rotate and update the pictures.


  • Keep a diary of positives.  Before you leave school, jot down 3 – 5 accomplishments of the day in your diary.  If a student got out of his seat one less time than the day before, that is an accomplishment.  If a shy student volunteered to answer a question in class, that is an accomplishment.  God notices all the little things and so must we.


  • Expect to encounter challenges and obstacles in your day.  Listen, love, laugh, and celebrate your calling anyway.  Remember, God is holding your hand


Challenge of the Week

Build into your classroom agenda at least one fun activity each day.  It should be something both you and your students enjoy.  It can be as simple as telling a joke, writing a quick positive note and placing it on student’s desk, or beginning work on designing a classroom logo and motto.


Blessings and Prayerful Teaching,

Elizabeth A. Wink

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